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使用Java语言开发一个文本编辑器,实现常用的功能,如打开文件、保存、复制、粘贴、剪切、颜色、字体等。-Using Java language to develop a text editor, the realization of commonly used functions, such as open file, save, copy, paste, cut, color, font and so on.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 13312 Publisher : 王先生

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文件基本类源代码,包括获取文件编码、文件编码转换,文件下载,整个文件夹拷贝、删除等。源文件中已附带说明-Basic types of source code files, including access to a document encoding, file encoding conversion, file download, the entire folder copy, delete and so on. Source file has been included in the Notes
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : 李大钊

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上线文件复制工具 对于java开发的系统上线时,要安程序的包结构复制文件到服务器了,特别是局部更新时尤其如此。如果一个个文件按目录结构复制的话,耗时耗力,而且容易出错。本程序可以自动按照程序的包结构生成class文件的目录结构,方便服务器上的文件更新! 本程序支持任意路径格式的文件拷贝(如com.speed.*.*;/com/speed/test.java等) 支持目录递归拷贝,支持文件的拖拽,特别是在eclipse编辑器中拖拽,使用起来极为方便!-On-line file copy tool for java development system on line, to the packet structure of security procedures to copy files to the server, in particular, especially when partial updates. If a file by copying the directory structure, the time-consuming and labor-intensive and error-prone. This procedure can automatically package structure in accordance with the procedure to generate class file directory structure to facilitate the update server on the document! This procedure arbitrary path Supported file copy (such as com.speed .*.*/com/speed/, etc.) to support recursive directory copy, drag and drop support for the document, especially in the eclipse editor drag , extremely easy to use!
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 252928 Publisher : 我心飞翔

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JAVA操作文件的封装 封装了创建一个文件夹、删除文件、删除文件夹、是否递归删除、copy一个文件或文件夹到指定位置、move一个文件或文件夹到指定位置、压缩文件、过滤文件等等一系列操作-JAVA file package packaging operation to create a folder, delete files, delete folders, whether recursive delete, copy a file or folder to the designated location, move a file or folder to the designated location, compressed file, filtering documents and so on a series of operations
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1573888 Publisher : HB

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这是本人在大二下暑假期间用JAVA写的记事本,虽然实现了一部分功能,其中包括界面上的菜单,编辑区域和状态栏:菜单中有文件菜单项(新建,打开,保存,另存为,退出),编辑菜单项(撤销,剪切,复制,粘帖,删除,查找,查找下一个,替换,全选,时间/日期),格式菜单项(自动换行,字体),查看菜单项(状态栏),帮助菜单项(帮助主题,关于记事本);编辑区域实现右键弹出菜单(撤销,剪切,复制,粘帖,删除,全选);状态栏实现相关信息的显示等。但还有一部分功能由于本人水平有限,所以没能实现。-This is my sophomore year during the summer under the notebook to write JAVA, although part of the realization of the function, including the menu interface, edit the region and the status bar: the menu item in the File menu (New, Open, Save, Save for, out of), the Edit menu item (revoked, cut, copy,delete, find, Find Next, Replace, Select All, time/date), format menu item (wrap, font), the View menu item (the status bar), the Help menu item (to help the theme on the notepad) editor region Right-pop-up menu (removed, cut, copy,delete, select all) the status bar display of relevant information to achieve and so on. But there is a part of the functional level as a result of my limited, so do not be achieved.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 125952 Publisher : zxz

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过滤HTML代码的函数,主要过虑用户上传的表单。-/* * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : bros sun

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Java版音像店管理系统 安装步骤: (1) 安装jdk1.4 (2) 安装tomcat5.0 (3) 安装Microsoft SQL server 2000 (4) 利用MediaStore/sql/db_init.sql文件,创建数据表,并导入初始化数据 (5) 将MediaStore文件夹,整个拷贝到tomcat5.0/webapps目下,并打开MediaStore/WEB-INF/web.xml文件,设置访问数据库的dburl、user和password三个参数。 (6) 启动tomcat5.0,打开浏览器,在地址栏中输入http://localhost:8080/MediaStore,即可进入登录界面,输入admin,密码为空,进入系统。 -Installation steps: (1) install jdk1.4 (2) install tomcat5.0 (3) installation of Microsoft SQL server 2000 (4) the use of MediaStore/sql/db_init.sql document, create a data table, and import data initialization ( 5) MediaStore folder to copy the entire tomcat5.0/webapps under, and open MediaStore/WEB-INF/web.xml file, set the access database dburl, user and password parameters. (6) to start tomcat5.0, open the browser, enter in the address bar http://localhost:8080/MediaStore, you can enter the login screen, enter admin, password is empty, enter the system.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9394176 Publisher : 谭骏

Yawebmail 源码,一个网页邮件收发系统-Yawebmail is a Web-(Online-)Application that enables you to establish a SMTP-, POP3- or IMAP-Connection, even if you are behind a firewall that prevents Mail-Communication- you only need to have HTTP-Access to the Internet. Yawebmail takes the part of the eMail-Clientsoftware und communicates with the Mail-Server. Over an easy to understand Web-Interface you can read and edit eMails with your Browser. The Application is written in Java, using Java Server Faces (which itself uses Java Servlet-Technology) and can be run in any Java Servlet-Container Application-Server) supporting Servlet-API 2.4 (Tomcat, Jetty, Weblogic, ...). Yawebmail comes as a WAR-File (web application archive)- "yawebmail.war". All you have to do is to copy it into the deployment-directory of your Application-Server
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6054912 Publisher : 123456

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8数码问题的Java求解,采用A*算法。数据结构采用的Vector<int[]>。输出为"no solution"或一系列表示求解过程的字符串。 某些30步的测试样例需要半分钟左右,但是绝对是正确解~~万望您能不吝点滴时间耐心等待……orz thnx~~ 我用的启发函数计算了现在的网格距离目标网格还有多远。 具体算法是,将每一格中的数字的坐标与其应该在的坐标的差加到一起,得到这个最终值h(x) 也就是Manhattan_Distance 源码使用方法:建立Java Project后,分别建立三个同名的.java文件,将源码分别复制过去然后编译运行即可。-a source code that solves the 8 puzzle problem. it uses A-star algorithm, and a major data structure of Vector<int[]>. The output of the program would be "no solution" or a series of strings representing the moves during the solution. Well, some samples need to be proceeded for around 30 seconds, but the program per se is indeed correct and will ultimately generate the shortest solution. so if u encounter such occasion plz jst wait for a while tho~~~ thnx~!! the heuristic function, say h(x), in this source code is the sum of the Mahattan Distance of each block from its destination block. How to use: build a Java Project, and create three .java files with the same names in the .zip file accordingly, and copy the source from the .zip file and just compile and run~~! have fun thnx~!
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 669696 Publisher : Siegfried

java编写的简易写字板软件,实现文件新建保存复制粘贴等功能-WordPad software written in java easy to achieve a new file save functions such as copy and paste
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2605056 Publisher : tianjing

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JSP案例开发集锦源代码 1. 本书的代码大部分在Tomcat5.0和MYSQL下开发,部分使用WebSphere Server5和DB2,请参考书中解释。 2. 附带光盘中包含有以下内容: a. ch1-ch10目录。分别对应第1章到第10章的代码。如果没有使用数据源,每章的代码只要拷贝到%Tomcat_Home%\webapps\目录下即可运行。 b. 如果某些章节中要使用Bean或Servlet或嵌入Applet,那么需将本章下.java文件编译,然后复制到JSP文件所在目录的\WEB-INF\classes目录下,并以章节名如ch4建立文件夹。 -JSP case development highlights the source code 1. This book is mostly in Tomcat5.0 and MYSQL code, developed in part using the WebSphere Server5 and DB2, please explain the reference books. 2. With CD-ROM contains the following: a. ch1-ch10 directory. Correspond to Chapter 1 to Chapter 10 code. If you do not use the data source, as long as the copy of the code of each chapter to Tomcat_Home \ webapps \ directory to run. b. If some sections to be used in Bean or Servlet or embedded Applet, then the need, under this chapter. java file is compiled, and then copied to the directory where the JSP files \ WEB-INF \ classes directory, and to the establishment of chapters of the name, such as ch4 folder.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6352896 Publisher : 查找里

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文件:新建,保存,另存为,退出 编辑:复制,粘贴,剪切, 格式:字体(有系统所有字体和大小),自动换行, 能实现以上所有功能-File: New, Save, Save As, Exit Edit: Copy, paste, cut, format: font (with all system fonts and size), word wrap, can achieve all of the above functions
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : 呵呵

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使用了Eclipse进行编译,实现了文件的打开、新建、保存、另存为、退出、全选、复制、粘贴、剪切等功能-Compiled using the Eclipse realized the file open, new, save, save as, exit, select all, copy, paste, cut etc
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 43008 Publisher : 晨风

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一个JAVA文件编辑操作代码,其功能包括文件的复制、粘贴、剪切等。-A JAVA file editing code, its functions including file copy, paste, cut and so on.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 10240 Publisher : huanbin

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A program that copy file from another computer using smb
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : sss

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用Java写一个文件复制的程序,复制各种不同类型的文件,要求源文件与目标文件都用文件对话框打开,用进度条显示复制进度.-Use Java to write a file copy program, copying a variety of different types of documents, requiring the source file and target file with the file dialog box opens, with the copy progress bar shows progress.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 阿三

java的文件操作大全 包括新增删除修改复制粘贴移动等-java file operations Daquan including new moves such as copy and paste delete modify
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 181248 Publisher : daiq

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java 程序的文件复制 从一个TXT复制到领一个TXT 用命令提示符-copy
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 孙秀琴

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演示程序为计算机和用户的对话形式执行,即在计算机的终端显示图形界面的文档编辑器,然后用户就可以实现编辑,保存等像记事本一样的功能。 (1)打开以有文件,保存编辑文件,退出编辑器并提醒保存; (2)查找编辑区中的字符串,用已知字符串替换查找的字符串; (3)显示文件的存取路径; (4)剪切,复制,粘贴,删除等; (5)改变文本区字体的颜色,字体大小和形状的功能; (6)关键字显示蓝色、类库类名显示红色。 -Demonstration program for the computer and the user' s dialogue in the form executed at the computer terminal that displays graphical document editor, and then users can edit, save, etc. the same function as Notepad. (1) opens to a file, save the edited file and exit the editor and to remind preservation (2) Find the string in the editing area, replace the string with a known search string (3) displays the file' s access path (4) cut, copy, paste, delete, etc. (5) Change the font color of the text area, font size and shape of the function (6) keyword displayed in blue, class library class name shown in red.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 7168 Publisher : chavman

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提供简单的html解析功能.可以自己添加jsp解析.提供简单servletAPI. 可以自己扩充. 有助于初学者了解web容器的原理 里面实现了表单的填充. 和原注解的使用. 下载后. 里面为java文件. 请新建立工程.然后把java文件copy到你的工程内. 注意.不需要建立web工程.-Html provides a simple analytic function. Can add jsp resolution. Provides simple servletAPI. To their own expansion. Help beginners learn the principles of web container inside the realization of the form filling. And the use of the original notes. Download. There is java files. Please newly created works. and then copy the java file in your project. attention. do not need to create web project.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6144 Publisher : gongxu
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